Jun 14Liked by Kristen Neighbarger

This is such an important message, Kristen. May we embody Christ as we love those who do not look like us or fit into our theological boxes.....if only we could all grasp these truths. Thank you for what you do!

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Some friends and I were discussing, just this afternoon, how when we allow God to really love us and when we can actually feel deeply loved by God, we naturally want to love others back as a love offering to God - because they, like us, are made in God’s image. Good regular heart check for all of us.

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Yes!!!! I couldn’t agree more!

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This is a very muchly needed message my friend. May we remember that when we love others well, it is an outward expression of our love and gratitude to the LORD for His love, grace and forgiveness towards us ... 💕

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