Oh wow! I love this. I always thought it was so amazing that the Apostles just were supposed to show up with nothing! We often talk about the Person of Peace in a space, but I had forgotten about shaking the dust off. That's something I have to think on more, but I like this interpretation. I have a great friend who I pass on some of the Jesus conversations because she just isn't there yet and I want to preserve the friendship. It's hard! But it's worth it to think that one day, it'll just click and she will want to know more. That's the prayer anyway.

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Very important topic, my friend! I've had to learn to shake the dust off my feet and move on from many cussing, ANGRY family members. I'm never been mad nor have I held any angst or unforgiveness in my heart because they reject Christ, I don't know how any believer could be mad when we know we didn't go to the cross and die for these people, Jesus did. I used to have such a sense of false responsibility because of my people pleasing but I'm certainly not in control of their decisions. I love how the NLT says: "And if a town refuses to welcome you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.” Great post, my friend ... 🙏💕

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Oh, this is good for so many reasons! I literally laughed out loud at the "Welp, time to get going!" comment! The way you tied this all together and reminded us to be unoffended is a message every Christian needs to be reminded of! As always, thank you for digging deep, Kristen!

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Great thoughts and examples in this post. Important to consider. Reminds me of Henry Cloud in Necessary Endings. Thanks for starting my day with this.

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Thanks for sharing about the meaning of the "shake dust off your feet." I had wondered about it and hadn't heard what it meant in the custom of the day. I'm so glad to hear you have a book coming out soon!

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